English Grammar
Theory and Use, 2nd edition
Denne grammatikken er skrevet for bachelorstudenter på universitets- og høyskolenivå. Den gir en konsis, men likevel omfattende beskrivelse av de sentrale områdene i engelsk grammatikk. Grammatikk er ikke bare et verktøy for å lære et språk, men også en inngang til forståelse for hvordan språk fungerer. Boka gir - som tittelen indikerer - både praktisk og teoretisk innsikt. Alle kapitlene har idiomatiske eksempler og mange sammenligninger med norsk grammatikk, spesielt på de områdene der norskspråklige har tendens til å gjøre feil. Boka er altså også en bruksgrammatikk. Den hjelper studentene til å bli bevisst hvordan grammatiske konstruksjoner virker i ulike typer muntlig og skriftlig engelsk. Hvert kapittel inneholder rikelig med øvelsesstoff. Andreutgaven er gjennomrevidert og oppdatert og har en litt endret kapittelstruktur. Blant annet er det kommet inn mer stoff om språkbruk, teksttyper og genre, og mange av oppgavene og eksemplene er nye. Til læreboka hører en fasit: Key to Exercises ISBN 9788215018973.
A concise but fairly comprehensive description of the central areas of English grammar.
This book is addressed to university and college students of English at the undergraduate level. For these students, grammar should not just be a tool in learning the language; it should also give insight into how the language works. As indicated by the title, the aim is to provide both practice and theoretical insight. To increase the practical utility of the book, the authors frequently draw attention to differences between Norwegian and English that are likely to cause difficulties for Norwegian learners, and they provide a great deal of exercise material.
This new edition is thoroughly revised and has a slightly revised chapter organization. Among other things, it pays more attention to aspects of language use such as formality, text type and genre, and many of the examples and exercises are new. A Key to Exercises is provided in a separate volume: ISBN 9788215018973.
A concise but fairly comprehensive description of the central areas of English grammar.
This book is addressed to university and college students of English at the undergraduate level. For these students, grammar should not just be a tool in learning the language; it should also give insight into how the language works. As indicated by the title, the aim is to provide both practice and theoretical insight. To increase the practical utility of the book, the authors frequently draw attention to differences between Norwegian and English that are likely to cause difficulties for Norwegian learners, and they provide a great deal of exercise material.
This new edition is thoroughly revised and has a slightly revised chapter organization. Among other things, it pays more attention to aspects of language use such as formality, text type and genre, and many of the examples and exercises are new. A Key to Exercises is provided in a separate volume: ISBN 9788215018973.
Informasjon om boka
- Sider: 464
- Språk: Engelsk
- ISBN: 9788215018942
- Utgivelsesdato: 27.01.2012
- Bokgruppe: 216