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The Entrepreneurship Handbook

The Entrepreneurship Handbook is written for everybody that wants to establish, improve or develop their business. With its theoretical fundament and clear practical advice, the book is indispensable for entrepreneurs, business developers, support programs, banks and investors. It will also serve excellent as a part of the curriculum in any entrepreneurship class.

Based on modern entrepreneurship theory, own empirical findings and feedback from thousands of entrepreneurs, the author, assisted by the professional environment at NTNU, has created a model for how to develop and enhance entrepreneurship projects. The model, called S-E-A-M (Systemic Entrepreneurship Activity Method) consists of seven steps: purpose, resources, business idea, business model, objectives, tasks and forecast.

The author, Yngve Dahle, is an Associate Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway. He holds a PhD in entrepreneurship from NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). He is also a serial entrepreneur and has participated in the development of nine companies in various industries. He therefore combines updated theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a unique way. He is the founder of Entreprenerdy, a company that uses S-E-A-M to help entrepreneurs worldwide.

Informasjon om boka

  • Sider: 224
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • ISBN: 9788215043265
  • Utgivelsesdato: 20.01.2021
  • Bokgruppe: 212

Yngve Dahle

Yngve Dahle har en doktorgrad i entreprenørskap fra NTNU. Han er førsteamanuensis II ved Universistetet i Sørøst-Norge. Yngve kombinerer på en unik måte oppdatert teoretisk kunnskap med store mengder praktisk erfaring. Han har blant annet vært med å starte og utvikle flere suksessfulle selskaper. Han er i dag gründer og partner i "Entreprenerdy", et selskap som hjelper gründere både i Norge og internasjonalt.
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